Asparagus Cream Soup
Asparagus season is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Everything blossoms and flourishes, it is a real pleasure to go out into the fresh air again and slowly you get to know the taste of the fresh spring cuisine.
In this recipe we used peeled asparagus. Perhaps you still remember the trick of your (grand-)parents to cook asparagus soup from the asparagus skin? There is a good reason for me not to do this, and below you can read when and how to make something good out of the skin. Almost the pro-variant of this dish.
This asparagus cream soup is super simple: peel and slice asparagus, sauté, pour in weak broth, mix with cream and season if necessary. Voila! The whole recipe is in the box below 🙂

I don’t like to use the skin so much: mostly I use the not so beautiful asparagus, because I don’t want to buy the most expensive and freshest asparagus. On the other hand, if the asparagus isn’t super fresh, the skin can be woody or have bad spots. Since asparagus is usually slightly moist, bacteria and cultures can quickly form that you would rather not have in your food.
If you still have fresh asparagus and want to use the skins, you can also do something great with it: asparagus stock. With the asparagus stock you can “extend” your soup and even leave an intense asparagus taste behind. And this is how it works: Wash the asparagus peels well and fry them in a little oil. As soon as the peels are well browned, add vegetable milk, bring to the boil briefly and then leave to steep without heat (5 to 60 minutes, depending on the time). Now you can sift the whole thing, or mix it beforehand and then sift it. The asparagus milk can be added directly to the soup.

- 500 g asparagus
- 1 l vegetable stock
- 1 pinch curry powder
- 1 can coconut cream alternatively: any other plantbased cream
- 1 tbsp pepper freshly ground
- 1 tbsp cress or bear’s garlic optional, to serve
- Brown the asparagus in a pan.
- As soon as the asparagus is browned, deglaze with vegetable stock and season with curry. A little curry harmonises very well with the coconut cream, but can also be omitted.
- Kokoscreme hinzufĂĽgen und alles in einen Mixer geben und gut durchmixen. Funktioniert natĂĽrlich auch mit einem PĂĽrierstab.
- Mit Olivenöl, frischem Pfeffer und Kresse oder Bärlauch servieren.